Science and faith

Many consider that science supersedes faith, that there is no need to believe in things you don’t see and don’t understand, and that only fools or misinformed people could believe divine beings exist.

In my view, this couldn’t be farther from truth, and I will tell you why.

Many things cannot be seen but they exist

Did people that lived 500 years ago see and understand electro-magnetic waves? No.
Nowadays, we do understand them and we know much of how they work, though we cannot directly see them.

You would say: “Well, electro-magnetic fields are things, not beings…”.
True, as we understand them now.
However, from a scientifically perspective, carbon and water are also things, but they are building blocks for the life on Earth.
So, given the Universe is abundant in electro-magnetic fields, couldn’t they be building blocks for an unseen life? Can anyone prove this belief as wrong?

All scientists theorize beliefs

Isaac Newton believed there is a force that makes all objects fall on the ground. Galileo Galilei believed Earth spins around Sun when everybody believed the contrary, and the list goes on and on. Albert Einstein believed massive space objects can bend the light passing by.
The scientific faith is rather an assumption or presupposition than the religious one, which is considered a truth no matter what.

The scientific faith is the basis for experiment which looks to prove or contradict it. While the religious faith cannot be contradicted easily.

Even if they seem different, they still use the same natural ability – to believe before seeing. Before scientific methods started to be dominant, faith had a priority and still has. There would not be any science without faith. It is a natural process.

Science explains and discovers in a tangible way

The purpose of the science is to explain and discover in a tangible way, while faith offers the same but in a visionary, intangible manner. They intersect, complement each other. Science focuses on small, narrow things of our lives, while faith focuses on high level, life purposes.

Faith gives life a purpose

Faith says there is a net that keeps us all together and gives us a purpose, while science tries to determine what is this net is made of.

These days, science became so abstract, intangible and hard to prove that is not far from a religious faith.

Let’s not oppose science and faith but rather use them in tandem to understand our world and our life purpose.